Home pick-up and delivery now available with our Laundry Butler For You concierge service.
Go to laundrybutlerforyou.com or call 323-900-0067 and we will be picking up at your door and returning the next day.



“The Oaks Laundry is pleased to provide our Self-Service, Wash-Dry-Fold and Comforter customers with the option to have your laundry washed using ozone-infused wash capability…"

Sherman Oak's first 5 star laundromat; meets and exceeds CLA’s standards for quality and service, and a long time member of the Coin Laundry Association.

Fully air-conditioned 2,800 square foot facility environmentally friendly designed and energy and natural resource efficient.

Specializing in professional, convenient and affordable wash dry & fold services

Generous parking available in the rear of the store

Laundry Solutions

4 minute Drop Off Laundry Service

“ How fast do you want to leave? ”
Two minutes to drop off
Two minutes to pick up

Self-Service Laundry Service

“ Do your laundry in style and FAST – using our Express Washers”
“Large washers and dryers, bonus dollars and points. Go ahead load up 5 or 10 washers. Finish a week’s worth of laundry in under two hours”

Home Pick-up and Delivery

“ Home pick-up and delivery now available with our Laundry Butler For You concierge service. "
Simply go to laundrybutlerforyou.com and let us do your laundry.
See our first time user’s coupon and receive $25 off your first order!

Commercial Laundry Service

“Hotels, restaurants, spas, salons, clubs, schools and organizations please take note of our services and feel free to come in and try our drop off commercial laundry service”
For qualified customers we will do your first laundry free of charge with no obligation. Let us show you what we can do for you.


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The Oaks Express Laundry Center, All rights reserved.
14837 Burbank Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA 91411
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